“The contract given to the crew has elapsed with the Women’s World Cup in Canada. Mr. Christopher Danjuma will now take over the team in acting capacity, pending the appointment of a substantive coaching crew, which process is ongoing.”
Anyansi-Agwu has also assured that the NFF will give the new Head Coach and his crew all the support to qualify the Falcons for the Women’s Football Tournament of the 2016 Olympics, billed for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
“The team will soon move to Port Harcourt to get used to the pitch on which it will play Equatorial Guinea in the third round of the Olympics qualifiers. The NFF will provide everything that the needs to succeed.”
The hard-working Danjuma, respected by players and officials alike, was an assistant to Okon in the previous dispensation.
Danjuma’s first assignment will be to see the Falcons past Equatorial Guinea, with the first leg in Port Harcourt on Saturday, 18thJuly and the return leg in Bata on 2nd August.
This post was last modified on February 2, 2019 5:59 pm